This is another case of, “Let’s do something exciting,” but first we need to do such and such, and actually that requires this other thing…

The big, interestingly shaped skylights on the Minnedome are very exciting. First, we needed to get the house wrap on the riser walls. Before that, we need to stuff foam backer rod into the plywood gaps and roll zip flashing tape to hold the rod in. And there was that specialty pengo red tape for the foundation.

After the house wrap was installed on the riser walls and Jon returned from a trip to the Grand Canyon, we could install… Ta-Da: the drip edge. We aren’t so sure about that because it seems like the wind might rip it off, but it is installed.

Then we could get started on the Grace ice and water shield on the roof, from bottom to top.

There are special instructions from the dome company about installing Grace ice and water shield and foam tape in a certain overlapping order under the skylights.

Our fellow construction neighbors, the Logans, came over to help us lift and hold the largest two skylights. Very kind! I don’t have any photos because we were all working to install them. It was like magic!

Stacey and Ceal and Karen came over to help us install rows of ice and water shield. Yay! We are so much faster with help!

We also got to install the little hexagon skylight that day, which was a treat.

Jon and I continued to work our way up to the top of the dome with ice and water shield.

When we went over the points of hexagons and pentagons, we cut the sticky ice and water shield to make it lay flat. We also made patches, so there was a larger seam overlap.

My boss let me take a Friday off, so we could finish right before a wet storm. It was so windy as the weather blew in! We had to rap down to the ground and retrieve pieces of garbage backing that flew around. I finally started stuffing the backing in my shirt.

The Minnedome floor stayed dry under the covered roof, but the utility dome had an inch of water! Ugh!

Onto the Utility dome!