I went on a quick trip to Chugiak to visit my folks and a couple friends. While I was away, Jon started the second story overhang on the Minnedome, which will protect the second story from excessive summer sun.

There aren’t instructions in the Dome Manual for this feature and it was tough to figure out how to attach the overhang to the dome struts, which are perpendicular to the cantilevered members (instead of parallel, as in rectangular construction.)

So we fell back on the duSaint Standard, “If in doubt, use very beefy Simpson’s Strong Tie products.”

When I returned from Alaska, I helped Jon finish.

The goofy trapezoidal parts on the sides, to end the overhang into the dome shell, were real head-scratchers to frame.

The building inspector declared our work, “Bomber.”

With that pronouncement, and the bazillion ringshank nails on our sheathing, we finally passed our structural inspection on the Minndome and Utility dome!